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Designed to Meet Your Professional and Personal Needs


Consulting and Coaching are valuable tools for every leader. Consulting helps you solve a problem head on while Coaching helps you further develop your leadership skills.

Together, you can decide which would works best for your organization. 

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Consulting tells YOU what to do (Instruction).

  • MGM’S CONSULTING TEAM provide the much-needed expertise and assistance to help you solve a problem, head on.

  • You’ll get the tools that can support you in moving forward and executing any needed improvements.

  • MGM’s team of experts will provide technical or professional advice and ‘How To’ instruction with a specific process to resolve a particular business challenge(s) so, you can run a well-oiled organization.

  • MGM’s team of experts provide you possibility options based on knowledge and experience.

  • Provide Solutions.


Coaching pulls out answers from YOU (Guidance).

  • MGM’S COACHING helps you develop leadership skills for you, and/or your team, by realistically looking at strengths and weaknesses, then focusing on strengths.

  • You’ll walk away with strategies for uncovering and unlocking your leadership potential.

  • MGM helps you, and/or your team, inspire confidence and lead effectively.

  • Helps you find clarity and answers to move forward in achieving goals for professional growth.

  • MGM helps you, and/or your team, explore leadership strengths and blind spots.

  • Guide you to understand long-lasting clarity and growth comes from within.


Maureen G.Mulvaney

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MGM is VIRTUALLY Everywhere.

Presentations, Training, Consulting, Coaching:
In-Person, On-Line, & Pre-Recorded Sessions

MGM will customize a ‘Virtual’ presentation for your audience. Participants can experience a presentation at a specific time or watch later (all sessions are recorded).

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